Tag: Christmas

It’s Truely Getting Christmas-sy

You know Christmas is definitely round the corner when nativities have begun.

At Ethan’s very first nativity,  I noticed a couple of amazing things:

1) Excellent use of tea towels!

2) 3 years old toddlers CAN be quiet and CAN stay in one place for at least 30 minutes (truly gobsmacked, I need to learn how to keep them that way!)

Aren’t they cute!





The Christmas Countdown!

So it’s December and the countdown has begun.

We took out the Christmas tree from the attic last week (yes we use a plastic tree….we like to save the planet!)  and Ethan helped putting it up. Its only a little tree that I bought 10 years ago when I was a student and do not have the heart to replace it with a bigger tree (lots of sentimental values, I am a sucker for that).

Christmas shopping is nearly done, not decided if I want to encourage eating choclates for breakfast by getting Ethan an advent calender countingdown to Christmas (I am sure thats the first thing he wants to do when he is awake in the morning).

Ethan insisted that I take a picture of ‘Hippo’ with our Christmas three.